We have new bird baths! Come in and see our gorgeous new glass, ceramic, and concrete baths.
Nature Happenings
Project FeederWatch continues, www.birds.cornell.edu/pfw
Hummingbirds arrive. Be sure to have their feeders ready.
Goldfinches begin to molt into their brilliant yellow plumage.
Bluebirds begin nesting by the end of the month. Be sure to have their houses ready, and begin monitoring them by the middle of the month (incubation 14 days; fledging in 18 days).
Cardinals, Carolina Chickadees, Crows and Blue Jays begin nesting.
Screech Owls are sitting on their eggs.
The Sandhill Crane spring migratory population peaks during the first or second week of the month.
Peak of Eastern Screech-Owl nesting.
Osprey begin nesting.
Barn Swallows arrive.
Tufted Titmice begin nesting at the end of the month.